Other Resources
If you are an instructor, use these resources with participants who are building their Skills for Success of adaptability, collaboration, communication and problem-solving.

UP Skills for Work
UP Skills for Work provides instructional content practitioners can use with learners to build skills for learning, work and life. The skills include attitude, accountability, confidence, adaptability, creativity and collaboration.
Each skill is supported by a downloadable workbook that accompanies a workshop with interactive activities, scenarios and an action plan; a quick reference to the skill as a separate activity page; and a tip sheet about the skill. Online courses on each skill are free to individuals who sign up and create an account.

Futureworx Employability Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT)
ESAT is a web-based assessment tool that provides a process and support for assessment and development of social and emotional skills, including attitude, accountability, confidence, adaptability, creativity and collaboration. This allows programs to treat these skills as outcomes. The site also provides links to videos that give how-to’s about the tool and examples of administrative functions. Contact information and a brochure for the assessment tool are both available from this site.

Skills for Success Website
This Employment and Social Development Canada site lists Skills for Success-related assessments and learning materials. Practitioners can search for tools using filters such as tool type, skill, or who the tool is for. As developers complete new projects, the site will include the tools in the inventory.
Success Stories: Indigenous Labour Market Programs
Employment and Social Development Canada’s website highlights ten success stories about participants who have taken part in Indigenous Labour Market programs across Canada. These stories are a ready resource as readings for learners that not only illustrate adaptability and job seekers’ successes in a wide range of occupations and settings, but also identify the local programs that played a part in their success.